Tag: foreign earned income exclusion
The Most Common Expat Tax Deductions
Aug 06, 2024
Paying more taxes than you should is no one’s favorite. Whether you’re a typical taxpayer or an expat, learn how tax deductions can benefit you in this article.
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion For Self-Employed Expats — What Expat Need To Know
Sep 14, 2022
How does FEIE work? And how can you take advantage of it? If you're a self-employed expat who wishes to maximize your tax deductions, this infographic will provide a comprehensive overview of FEIE…
FEIE Vs. FTC: Which Is Better For Expats Avoiding Double Taxation?
Aug 19, 2022
You must understand these two tax benefits to avoid getting double-taxed while working or living abroad. This article will discuss the FEIE vs. the FTC to determine your better option.