Satisfaction Guarantee

We Stand Behind Our Work

We stand behind everything with our professional services. We believe that if we give our clients a great experience, then growth in sales will eventually come on their own. So, rather than focusing on maximizing profits, we focus on maximizing the service that we provide.

We are committed to your complete satisfaction; it is our top priority. It is our satisfaction guarantee. In the unlikely event that you are unhappy with our services, you will contact us so we can be made aware of your concerns and find a solution.

If you are still not satisfied with your experience with Tax Samaritan, you can request a refund (limited to the amounts we collected in fees) with our satisfaction guarantee. Requests for a refund must be submitted within 15 days of payment or before you are presented with a tax plan document or tax return for review, whichever comes first. In representation cases, there is no guaranteed outcome (as no one has control over what the IRS or state may do).

Maximum Refund / Minimum Tax Liability Guaranteed Or Your Money Back

If you get a larger refund or smaller tax due from another tax professional, we’ll refund the fees paid.

*Satisfaction Guarantee Claims must be submitted within ten (10) days of your Tax Samaritan return provided for your review.

100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee

If you pay an IRS or state penalty or interest because of a Tax Samaritan error, we’ll pay you the penalty and interest as long as the error is reported to us within ten (10) days of notification from the IRS or state.

Ready to get started?

Let us take the stress out of tax filing for you. With our satisfaction guarantee and commitment to accuracy, you can file with confidence, knowing we’ve got your back. Get started today, and let our experts handle the rest!